Technical Marketing Post Archives
Marketing Consultant For Small Business
It can be a tough reality to face for some small business owners, but eventually every business is going to hit a growth ceiling where networking and referrals will no longer be enough to move the needle. Hiring a full time chief marketing officer or other senior in-house resource to launch a marketing department is…
What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketing is the process of designing a marketing strategy that results in customers coming to you to do business. This is in stark contrast to outbound techniques which rely on you or a sales team reaching out to prospects to educate them about your services. Most business owners are familiar with outbound tactics such…
Search Marketing, Organic or Paid For Your SaaS?
Nothing embodies the metaphor of the Tortoise and the Hare better than the relationship between SEM, SEO and PPC. Search engine marketing (SEM) is the practice of developing a market for search traffic to your website. Content marketing builds long term organic growth using content and is often paired with search engine optimization (SEO). Short…
Site Speed as a Competitive Advantage
Site speed is becoming a critical factor in the success of a marketing website. It has become the most important ranking factor for SEO, is strongly correlated to bounce rate, and is one of the most important user experience factors on mobile devices. If you want to reduce your bounce rates, increase engagement with the…