Google Analytics

Google Analytics Post Archives

social media reporting on google analytics

How To Measure Your Social Media Performance With Google Analytics

By Hunter Nelson | April 27, 2021

Measuring social media performance can be tricky. Most of the interactions happen on a 3rd party platform, which means you are at the mercy of the reporting provided and integrations available from the platforms in question, in this case social media websites. Getting a complete picture of what’s happening in terms of lead generation and…

google ads case study featured image

Google Ads Case Study – Adding 1.5 Million Revenue In 1 Year For A SaaS

By Hunter Nelson | July 19, 2020

In this post we’re going to walk through an eCommerce SaaS google ads case study. We’ll walk you through how we took one lucky eCommerce software as a service (SaaS) provider with a 5 figure monthly ad budget, from being a company with account maintenance challenges, room for improvement on their returns, and questions on…

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TNHS Helps MSP 10x Traffic, Expand Market Share

By Hunter Nelson | April 13, 2020

In today’s post, we’re going to be walking through an MSP marketing case study and looking at how we help this regionally focused MSP 10x their organic traffic, more than double in size, and capture significant market share in the area they compete. NetTech Consultants is a Jacksonville-based managed service provider or MSP. We initially…

woman jumping on trampoline illustrates bounce rate

High Bounce Rate? Digital Marketing is a Game of Inches

By Hunter Nelson | September 19, 2019

One of the first metrics people are going to look at when they start toeing the waters of web analytics is their bounce rate. If you’re just getting started on your journey to building an inbound pipeline chances are you’re suffering from high bounce rate and your trying to bring it down. In this article…