Pay-Per-Click Advertising Services
For You To Grow Faster

Advertise your small business across platforms like Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, & More.

MSP | IT | Cybersecurity | Software Dev | SaaS | B2B

The Pay Per Click Advertising Opportunity
Too Many Businesses Are Ignoring


The technology businesses landscape is one that's almost unreasonably focused on sales, sales, sales! What is the obsession with cold calling and cold emailing when there's so much more money to be made via online advertising at a fraction of the cost!?

Sales leaders at industry conferences will happily tell you that it can take 18+ months for a rep to ramp and up to 3 years to be profitable and that's if they work out at all.  In today's employment climate where reps will happily jump ship every 18 months for a pay raise it's no wonder that so many businesses fail in the first year and many more can't seem to scale their revenues.

Many tech leaders haven't gotten the memo that other industries have figured out:  marketing comes before sales. Stop setting your sales reps up to fail and wasting 6 figures a year on go-nowhere sales initiatives and start building your lead generation pipeline.

Once you've got that steady stream of leads coming in that you as a founding executive can no longer find time to work on and close - then it's time to hire for sales.  Until then, you're better off focusing on filling up your pipeline with a steady stream of new leads and really nailing that "product market fit".

Tortoise and Hare can help you generate leads through pay per click advertising campaigns that help raise your brand awareness and connect with in-market buyers that are already searching for the services you offer.


Breakout Growth In B2B Digital Advertising Spend

Digital advertising spend in B2B has more than tripled in the past 5 years. Digital advertising spend in B2B is also growing at more than double the rate (11.6%) than traditional advertising spend is (5%).

The landscape for generating leads in B2B has changed dramatically and in a short time frame.  This was a trend that was well under way before the pandemic and pandemic digitization only accelerated the process.

Technology brands are underweight in their digital advertising spend and stand to benefit from expanding their reach via pay per click advertising campaigns.

msp ppc campaign
Sample MSP PPC advertisement on a social media platform
YouTube video

The Way People Shop For Products and Services Has Changed

There's 7.5 billion people in the world and that number is growing towards 10 billion quickly. The number of vendors a business engages with has also increased. All that's led to more and more massive scale of sales reps trying to connect (a.k.a. spam) with buyers.

B2B buyers are increasingly fatigued with the constant barrage of cold calls and cold emails that assault them and increasingly prefer to do their own research before adding themselves to yet another salesperson's hit list.

In fact according to a 2023 survey by Cognism, only 27% of sales teams reporting calling at the best way to book meetings and only 17% of B2B marketers reported cold calling as their primary customer acquisition channel.

People still want to talk to sales, and experience better buying outcomes when a rep is involved, but they want to talk when they are ready and when they have done their own research. Enter the role of PPC.

Prospect And Nurture Leads With PPC Advertising

Don't surrender key digital battlegrounds to your competitors.  Pay per click platforms offer you the chance to both prospect for new leads and nurture those already in your funnel.

SMB PPC can help you:

  • Connect with in-market buyers at the time they are shopping for providers.
  • Stay top of mind with low cost display ads to get those brands touches.
  • Distribute blogs and whitepapers to help educate, and attract attention from buyers.
  • Distribute rich media that helps socialize your brand values and company culture.
  • Capture email addresses with lead magnets for ongoing email marketing.


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paid search ppc service concept illustrated

Nail The Timing
With Paid Search Ads

Paid search advertising is our bread and butter and the most effective way to reach technology buyers.  The most difficult aspect of connecting with technology buyers is timing. 

The tech sector is a problem-solution driven industry.  People look for solutions when they have problems.  Calling people to invent problems in their minds is a tough road to follow.

Search engines like Google offer unparalleled access to in-market buyers when they are searching for solutions to their problems and therefore make them a key advertising battle ground.

Nail the timing and connect with in-market buyers with our paid search ppc management services.

Stay Top Of Mind
With Retargeting Ads

Consistency and repetition are key. It takes on average 12 interactions to create a sales ready prospect.

Delivering regular brand touches via retargeting ads is one of the most effective ways to build familiarity and confidence in your prospects minds.

Imagine this - you've just had a quality sales conversation with a prospect and sent them a proposal that they are considering.  It's a competitive deal and the prospect is considering multiple options.

They see your retargeting ads on LinkedIn and Facebook as they are making their considerations and choose your company.

Stay top of mind with our retargeting pay per click advertising services.

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msp ppc checklist

PPC Readiness Checklist

Running PPC campaigns for your business can be a very profitable endeavour but it's not without its challenges.

We've helped businesses generate thousands of leads and add millions in revenue through pay per click advertising efforts and learned many lessons along the way.

Before you start a PPC advertising effort we recommend you have these items in place:

  • An established brand
  • A quality website that already generates occasional leads
  • A social media presence and quality graphics on your pages
  • Reviews on platforms like Google or Facebook
  • A budget of at least $5,000/month you can spend on advertising
  • A budget that can sustain at least 3 months of advertising but ideally 12 so you can understand seasonality impacts throughout the year and see the big picture

Not all of these are required to launch a successful advertising effort, but customers who meet these criteria tend to realize the most success with our PPC advertising services.

How We Can Help

Configure Ad Accounts

We can help you configure your ad accounts for success by installing conversion tracking, remarketing pixels, and deploying optimal settings to help you maximize PPC performance.

Create Effective Marketing Campaigns

We'll help you refine your targeting and messaging in order to create effective SMB PPC campaigns that reach your target audience. We write all the copy and assist with basic creative.

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Optimize PPC Performance

Launching campaigns is just the beginning.  Tortoise and Hare uses our deep experience running PPC campaigns for SMBs to refine your campaigns and generate profitable growth.


Platforms We Support

Google Ads

Advertise on Google Search, YouTube, or The Display Network.

Learn More

LinkedIn Ads

Advertise to the largest collection of B2B buyers on the internet.

Learn More

Meta Ads

Reach people on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, & The Audience Network.

Learn More

The majority of brands will realize the most success by focusing on the above platforms, however we also support Reddit and Twitter and other platforms. Contact us to discuss your PPC advertising services needs.

Why Choose Tortoise and Hare?

At Tortoise and Hare we've helped numerous businesses generate accelerated growth via pay per click advertising campaigns.  We have a strong idea of what works and what doesn't.  We've developed assets like negative keyword lists that can save you thousands in wasted spend and time spent experimenting right out the gate. Fast track your pay per click advertising efforts with Tortoise and Hare.

Ad Spend Managed


New Revenues Generated


Leads Generated


Why Do We Succeed
When Other Agencies Have Failed?

Some of the reasons we succeed where other agencies may have failed with your PPC efforts:

  • We only work with clients that we think we can help.  Choosing our clients carefully is a big part of our success.
  • We focus on lead generation exclusively, where other agencies core business are typically shopping and e-commerce.
  • We specialize primarily in search engines, instead of splitting our focus into a million different areas, we keep a focus on what's most important, quality search engine traffic. These make the highest impact on technology businesses.
  • We are technically savvy and are using our technical skills to take full advantage of what advertising platforms offer.  Many agencies fall short here.
  • As a small team, we're all experts, therefore you get experts working on your account, not interns.
msp ppc showing ad on cell phone

Listen To Our PPC Advertising Podcast Episode

Listen to Tortoise and Hare Software founder and President Hunter Nelson talk about PPC advertising with Taher Hamid on the No Fluff MSP Marketing Podcast.

Watch Our Mastering Google Ads Presentation

Listen to Tortoise and Hare Software founder and President Hunter Nelson talk about running paid search campaigns on Google to add leads to your marketing pipeline.

YouTube video

What Some Of Our Clients Have To Say About Working With Us On Their PPC Campaigns

ariel testimonial


CEO Vertically Focused MSP

As a growing MSP, we knew that having the right marketing team was going to be a game-changer for our organization. AKAVEIL Technologies did a 180 after hiring Tortoise and Hare Software. Their strategy was in line with our business goals and objectives. In only two short months we started seeing major progress and net new leads. We are thrilled to have Hunter and his team on our side.

ryan drake president nettech consultants


President Mid-Market MSP

Tortoise and Hare has been a key partner in our MSP's growth. Over the year's we've worked together they've helped our MSP dramatically increase our website traffic, and build a steady stream of leads sourced from our website and advertising efforts. Over that time, we've been able to raise our base customer size, build economies of scale to more efficiently service customers, and expand into new markets.

saas marketing ceo testimonial


CEO Ecomm SaaS

Hunter has established the foundation and executed on the analytical strategy with our AdWords account that we have been wanting to implement for years! Within the first few months of working with him we have seen an overall increase in conversions as well as more efficiency with a lower cost per acquisition.

Frequently Asked Questions About SMB PPC

This answer varies on factors like locations targeted, verticals targeted, growth goals, and more.  Generally we recommend a minimum of $5,000/month put towards pay per click advertising.

We have a flat fee + percentage of ad spend model. Our minimum retainer is $1,500/month.

We frequently get customers that generate a lead in their first month of advertising but it can take 3-6 months to get campaigns dialed in and performing profitably.

Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook at a minimum.

Generally it takes about a month for us to get initial campaigns and configurations completed.

Pay per click advertising use machine learning to set their bids in dynamic auctions.  They are dependent on you feeding them back data on what clicks turned into "conversions".  We help you set up conversion tracking for activities like:

  • Form submits
  • Phone calls
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Other valuable actions on your website

Apply Now  For A Free
Pay Per Click Advertising Consultation

We offer free 1-hour digital advertising consultations via a Microsoft Teams video conference to discuss your pain points and determine if Tortoise and Hare Software is the right fit for you.

(904) 664-9255

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