LinkedIn Ads Rolls Out New JavaScript Event Based Conversion Tracking

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    I was poking around in a couple of LinkedIn Ad accounts today, while working on some campaigns and got a notification that there was a change to conversion tracking behaviors. I popped on over to the conversion tracking and noticed that there was a new option to enable event based conversion tracking via a JavaScript function instead of using an image pixel.

    I had noticed some suspicious lack of conversion reporting on my full page scan event after firing up some new campaigns and I was wondering if my insight tag had been infested by spammers, or if I was under attack by malicious clicks from competitors in a remarketing campaign, so I was quite relived to see that a conversion tracking change had been made. When I clicked on the learn more button in the image above I was taken to this support article that mentions there has been a change that only allows 3rd party cookies to be set on the event pixel. First party tracking requires the new insight tag based JavaScript events for conversion tracking. Since advertising campaigns on LinkedIn should leverage first party cookies, that effectively means a complete loss in conversion tracking reporting for LinkedIn campaigns until the switch is made.

    A quote from the article reads:

    We recommend creating Insight Tag conversions to avoid a loss in reported conversions. Insight Tag conversions, such as page load tracking or event tracking, enable both first- and third-party cookies. Event-specific image pixel conversions only enable third-party cookies.

    I went ahead and updated all the conversion tracking to leverage the new JavaScript event based conversion tracking on LinkedIn Ads for the Tortoise and Hare Software account, but noticed that I was unable to make the change for some of the client accounts I manage.

    I hopped on a support chat and spoke to a LinkedIn Ads support agent who was able to give me the following information.

    It turns out this is a new feature that is going to be rolling out over the coming months. Hopefully this won’t mean a loss in conversion reporting for those advertisers until the new new feature is rolled out on their accounts. For those that do have the feature available, make sure to update your account ASAP to avoid missing out on valuable conversion data.

    Need help setting up conversion tracking in LinkedIn Ads? Reach out.

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    Hunter Nelson

    Hunter is the founder and president of Tortoise and Hare Software, a digital marketing agency for managed service providers. Hunter has more than 10 years’ experience building web applications and crafting digital strategies for companies ranging from scrappy startups to Fortune 50 household names. When not on the clock, you'll find him spending time with his family and pups, relaxing on the beach, or playing competitive online video games. See for more.


    1. Arjan on August 25, 2021 at 4:11 am

      Hey Hunter,

      Do you know how to use this new event tracking method with Google Tag Manager?

      • Hunter Nelson on August 25, 2021 at 4:24 am

        Hey Arjan,

        Yep, just use a custom HTML tag and put the script into the custom HTML tag. Then fire the script on the appropriate trigger, for instance form submit.

        • Alec on October 28, 2021 at 7:36 pm

          Hi Hunter,

          Following up on this question. Is any particular additional configuration necessary in GTM? Such as Tag Sequencing like needing the overall Insight Tag to fire before the event pixel fires? Or any other additional bits of configuration you’re aware of being required?

          Thanks in advance!

          • Hunter Nelson on October 29, 2021 at 10:56 am

            I can’t answer this without seeing more specifics and details of your setup, but I haven’t seen the need to add additional configuration for my setup. I haven’t had to do any tag sequencing because the conversion events are firing after page load on a user action for my setup, which should be the case for most conversions. The base insight tag should be firing on page load so the conversion event would happen after that. If you feel more comfortable adding tag sequencing, I don’t see how it would hurt. Test test test!

        • Osku Laurila on November 3, 2021 at 8:52 am

          Thank you!

    2. Marc on October 12, 2021 at 12:36 pm

      According to Linkedin’s documentation, it says “add the code below to a link or button to begin tracking conversions” Will it still work if we just inject it on the page in the custom HTML tag?

      • Hunter Nelson on October 12, 2021 at 12:57 pm

        Hey Marc,

        No, you will need to fire the conversion code when the button click event is fired. You can do this via JavaScript.

        • soumya on October 27, 2021 at 2:48 am

          Hi Hunter, will this work with onload event?

          • Hunter Nelson on October 27, 2021 at 12:09 pm

            Yes it should work in the onload event, however if you want to fire a conversion on page load you’re better off using a page view event and bypassing custom event firing altogether.

    3. Felipe on May 14, 2022 at 6:01 pm

      How do I set the trigger on GTM since it is a form popup that directs the person to whatsapp?

      • Hunter Nelson on May 14, 2022 at 6:17 pm

        You can use the native form submit trigger in Google Tag Manager or you can attach to a button click event for that button. Sometimes there isn’t a form tag as everything is handled via Javascript, so a button click event isn’t perfect, but it’s the best bang for the buck.

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