Content Marketing Services
For Managed IT Service Providers

Position your company as a thought leader and show buyers how you can help with educational content for your ICPs.

Since 2018 We've Helped Brands Like These Generate More Than 35,000 Leads
And Generate More Than $7,000,000 in new revenue.

nettech logo
tailored tech msp
computer business solutions logo
vertically focused MSP marketing customer logo
virtuworks msp

Build Your Email List And Nurture Leads With a Content Engine

Do you want to increase traffic to your website, build more brand awareness, and show interested prospects what you can do for them?

Do you want to create demand for your company's services from people with problems that indicate they could be a fit to work with your MSP?

Do you want to capture more email addresses and build the base of contacts your MSP has a relationship with?

Do you want to nurture qualified leads that aren't quite ready to move forward but want to see what you can do at their own pace?

Building a content engine can fuel your MSPs growth in multiple ways and is part of the key to unlocking meaningful sales growth.  It's pretty simple, but it ain't easy.

brand character illustrations

MSP Content Marketing
Easy To Do, Hard To Master

Let's rip the bandaid off.  Buyers of technology are some of the most educated and finicky buyers on the market in any industry.  You can't just hoodwink them by spamming churn and burn content from the average freelance writer and hope to create something of sufficient quality to woo today's technology purchaser. Content marketers for technology products need to have baseline technical experience in order to speak knowledgeably and convincingly about the benefits of buying and the problems solved. Not just any agency can step in and fit the bill.

At Tortoise and Hare we staff content strategists that are ex-technologists with industry experience in areas like networking, application development, IT administration, and cloud that allow them to create briefs and end content products that position your company as a thought leader and resonate with today's purchaser.

Done For You MSP Blog Content Creation And Multi-Channel Promotion

At Tortoise and Hare, it all starts with blogging.  We have a heavy focus on search engine marketing here and use SEO and content marketing to drive traffic volume and generate lead volume. We help B2B tech companies move up-market, and position their brands as thought leaders by helping them create blog content that resonates with ICPs. We also help B2B tech brands tackle distribution challenges and promote content via social media, search engines, and email.

The net effect, more qualified prospects engaging with your brand.

blog content marketing for b2b tech

Sample MSP Content Pieces

Browse some of our sample content pieces and get a preview of what we can do for you.

Done For You MSP Blog Posts

Publishing regular blog content is a great way to educate buyers, bring people to your website, and get them to engage with your brand.  Blog content attracts search engine traffic and is promotable on social media.  Stay top of mind with your prospects, and help them learn more about what your company is all about with done for you blog content.  We select content ideas, source writers, and publish the content directly to your blog.

Done For You MSP Social Media Posts

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it even make a sound?

When it comes to content marketing you could rephrase it to be:

If a company creates a piece of content but never tells anyone about it, does anyone even read it?

The answer is no.  Promoting content on social media is an important part of content marketing.  We promote your content on social media after it is initially published and use social media automation to re-publish it at regular intervals. This helps more target buyers discover your content, consume it, and bring people to your website where you can target them with offers after they've engaged.


Done For You Social Media Videos

Promoting your blog content with a teaser video is a great way to spice up your social media page, and reach users who prefer to engage with video content instead.  Social video posts typically have much higher engagement, click-throughs, and reach than other forms of media.

Lead Magnets For Email Capture

Bringing people to your website isn't all that useful without a plan to bridge the gap from site visitors to the next step in the relationship.  Capture email addresses from interested buyers with content up-sells and lead magnets to build your email list and begin the nurturing process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Content Marketing Services

Our content marketing services are almost always included as part of a broader retainer that is paired with advertising, SEO, or website management. Our clients typically invest $1,000-$5,000/month towards content marketing.

We work primarily with managed IT service providers (MSPs), software as a service companies (SaaS), and cybersecurity firms.  Many of our clients are niched down to serve a specific vertical, such as legal or eCommerce.  Contact us to see if there's a fit.

We have helped our clients earn millions in new annual revenues through our multi-channel marketing solutions that include both content marketing and advertising.  Our clients stay with us for years and we have a history of customer satisfaction.  That said, we are picky about who we bring on as a client.  We like to bet on winners and keep our stress levels low. We look for both diplomacy in our dealings with clients and like to form strong business relationships.  We tend to work with companies where we can throw gas on the fire of an already burning flame.

Book A Free Consultation

We offer free 1 hour consultations via a Microsoft Teams video conference to discuss your pain points and determine if Tortoise and Hare Software is the right fit for you.  Choose a time on the scheduling link below and video conferencing details will be mailed to you along with the event invitation.